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Baltimore Kinetic Sculpture Race
2011 Race Report: Jemicy’s Vechysvboat, Einherjar, Odin, Ve and Vidar, Buri, and Brunehilde

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Jemicy’s Vechysvboat, Einherjar, Odin, Ve and Vidar, Buri, and Brunehilde

Baltimore County’s Jemicy School came with a record six entries, with considerably more artful festoonment than in previous years. This year they won five ACE and three other awards.

Vechysvboat had four pilots, two giant hands, and a giant blond-moustached face.

With thick gnarled tires and low gearing, Vechysvboat had such an easy time in the sand that just after dashing through at nearly full speed, the pilots said “Where’s the sand?”

The five smaller Jemicy sculptures, from foreground to background:
  • Odin won a ACE Award.
  • Einherjar won an ACE Award.
  • Buri won a ACE Award, and also the Next-to-Last award.
  • Brunhilde won a ACE Award.
  • Ve and Vidar, had 2 pilots, but due to folded sprockets did not win an ACE.

For dramatic fortitude in successfully pursuing his ACE, despite strong winds arising which dramatically increased the difficulty, the pilot of Einherjar also won the prestigious Sprit of the Founder award.

The entire Jemicy team distributed these spectacular homemade horned headbands which handily won them the Best Bribes award.

Just like Vikings of old, they pulled down their sail and used the mast to punt the ship.

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  1. Champion PLATYPUS
  2. Ankh-ers Away
  3. The Lobe Trotters
  4. Pussy Galore
  5. When Hell Freezes Over
  6. Go Ask Alice
  7. The Boxer Bee
  8. Jemicy’s Vechysvboat, Einherjar, Odin, Ve and Vidar, Buri, and Brunehilde
  9. Am-ish sin Caballo
  10. Claw Machine
  1. The V-8 Power Plants
  2. Itty Bitty Charm City
  3. Margot the Escargot
  4. Bee-Have
  5. Bob
  6. Idol 001
  7. Speed Racer
  8. Batmobile
  9. T-Wrecks Reformed
  10. Star Fisher
  11. The PolyGnomials
  1. The Kipplala
  2. The Firebreather
  3. Cat-amaran
  4. AVAM’s Fifi is a Lucky Dog, Bumpo, and Frog
  5. Kinetic Couch
  6. Thanks! Batala, Baltimore Police, and HMS Yellowbottom
  7. Volunteers
  8. Spectators
  9. The Team
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The Baltimore Kinetic Sculpture Race is sponsored and run by the American Visionary Art Museum. is the volunteer work of Tom Jones.
If you have suggestions about making this site better, or questions, e-mail Tom at